Platinum Jubilee Celebration
On Friday 27th May the children and staff celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
Part of
ACES Academies Trust
Keep up to date on all the latest from Godmanchester Bridge Academy:
On Friday 27th May the children and staff celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
During May, Dan The Skipping Man came to the school to show the children a new fun way of keeping fit and all the different ways they can use a skipping rope to keep fit.
On Monday 23rd May, the children from Ladybird class visited Monarch Farm in Hilton on their first school trip.
Celebrating World Book Day 2022 . This year we will celebrated 25 years of World Book Day and everything they have done in promoting reading for pleasure. We focused on the theme 'Every Child is a Reader'. Throughout the day, the children enjoyed brand new books, have the opportunity to talk about themselves as a reader and recommend books to each other. The children dressed up as their favourite book character and brought in their favourite book.
The children designed and decorated a poppy to display in the corridor as part of our 11th November Display.
Last year was another challenging year, but the children, parents and staff have been amazing and we thank you for all your support.
Parent Survey
Thank you to those who completed our parent survey. All those who responded said that their child is happy, safe and makes good progress at school. 100% of parents agreed that school effectively deals with bullying or that they have not had any experience of this. 100% of parents stated the school is well led and managed and 90% agreed the school responds well to any concerns raised. Comments raised are always useful, parents find communication via Class Dojo effective.
The end of summer term sometimes means a change of staffing and we were very sad to say goodbye to Miss Wilson, Mrs Farrington and Mrs Pickering. We will miss them greatly and wish them well. Mrs E Ripley has joined GBA in Ladybird class, and Mr G Large has taken over our Year 5 class and is our Digital learning lead. We have also appointed three new Teaching Assistants: Miss K Campbell, Mr A Briggs and Mr D Godfrey. Additionally, we are happy to inform you that the Trust has appointed a specialist music teacher, Mr Greenwood, who will be with us on Friday each week, and will teach all pupils in KS1 and KS2.
Covid Restrictions
Following the latest guidance for schools, we have removed year group bubbles and staff, parents and visitors will no longer be asked to wear face coverings whilst on the school site, unless they choose to. We are, of course, still be encouraging hand sanitising and regular hand washing throughout the school day and will continue to provide good ventilation throughout the school site. From September, children who have Covid symptoms should still remain at home, get tested and follow the guidance after testing. If children display symptoms in school, we will continue to notify parents/guardians and request that they are taken home for testing. However, we will no longer be required to send home entire groups of children. Instead, NHS Test and Trace will organise contact tracing. The school will be notified of close contacts by this service. Naturally, we will inform you if government guidance necessitates any further change to these arrangements.
Morning drop-off:
All year groups now enter school through the main school gates next to the Pre-School. Please note that the classroom doors are open at 8:40am and school starts at 8:45am. Gates close at 8.50am. If your child is late for school, please bring them to the school office, where a member of staff will escort them to class as appropriate. Afternoon pick-up: From September, we have also returned to pre-Covid arrangements for the end of the school day. Gates are opened at 2.55pm and parents / carers will be able to enter the school site and make their way to an outside area close to their child’s classroom. Children are dismissed at 3:00pm. If anyone other than a listed contact is collecting your child, we need consent from a parent/guardian in advance. Please ensure that you have informed your child’s teacher and/or the school office. If we have not received consent from you, we will always call to check before allowing your child to leave with another parent or relative. If we have received written permission from parents, Year 5 and Year 6 pupils may be dismissed from school without a parent/carer present. For all other year groups, children are dismissed when a member of staff has seen the collecting parent/care.
In November Ofsted visited the school remotely.
Inspection of Godmanchester Bridge Academy by Ofsted.
The online survey should have been completed by noon on 26 June 2019 as this will give the inspection team more time to consider your views. However, they will consider all online responses that are completed during the inspection, although the free-text box facility will not be available after noon on 26 June 2019.
“And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start!”
Maurice Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are
Newsletter - February 2018