The school is supported by FoGBA, who regularly run fund-raising events. Parents who would like to become involved are always welcome. If you have any ideas for fundraising or would like to assist in anyway please contact Friends of Godmanchester Bridge Academy via email: or visit our website: or visit our Facebook page
The Friends of Godmanchester Bridge Academy is a small, yet dedicated, group of parents and staff who organise events both within the school and outside the school to raise money for projects and events which benefit our pupils. FOGBA are passionate about giving our children amazing memories from their school life, while also providing extra support financially to the school so that a wide range of enriching opportunities can be provided to all.
FOGBA is made up of two parts: a committee and parent and staff volunteers.
The committee all have children at the school or work in the school. They juggle work and family commitments on top of their involvement in FOGBA, but they know that all of their efforts provide exciting experiences for the children at GBA.
The parent and staff volunteers provide support and assistance at events. It is due to our bank of volunteers that we are able to run discos, film nights, cake sales and raffles.
FOGBA have recently contributed to the following events and resources:
- Year 6 Young Voices transport
- EYFS Monarch Farm transport
- Year 2 Mountfitchet castle transport
- Year 3 History off the Page Egyptian Day
- Year 1 History off the Page Great Fire of London Day
Volunteer Parent Helpers in School
We have many parents helping in school in a variety of ways. If you would like to help, please contact your child’s teacher or the Head of School. All volunteers are asked to complete a DBS (which used to be CRB) application giving personal details and permission for a police check to be carried out.